Dear All We have planned a webinar session on Effective Time Management by Dr Rakesh Premi Director GHSIMR Kanpur Please update all faculty members and interested students for the sameBreif profile of SpeakerDr. (Prof.) Rakesh Premi, is the former Campus Director LEEDS Metropolitan University, UK’s Indian Camps “LEEDS Met India”, Bhopal. He is recipient of the prestigious “100 MOST INFLUENTIAL DIRECTOR of INDIA 2016” award by World Education Congress and is also a member of the ‘ADVISORY COUNCIL’ of WEC 2017, “Shikshak Samman” facilitated by former HRD minister Shri Murli Manohar Joshi and also received “Excellence in Education” award by Hon’ble Governor of UP Shri Ram Naik on behalf of GHS-IMR. A renowned corporate trainer to nearly top twenty companies of India in the field of ‘Time management and Branding’, Dr. Premi brings with him an enormous experience of 35 Years. His research papers in the field of branding have been published in many reputed journals and have two edited books to his credit. Also been a Keynote Speaker in many nationals & International conferences and seminars. AwardsRecipient of prestigious “100 MOST INFLUENTIAL DIRECTOR of INDIA 2016” award by World Education Congress in 2016.“Shikshak Samman” facilitated by former HRD minister Shri Murli Manohar Joshi and organized by Hindustan Times.Received “Excellence in Education” award by Hon’ble Governor of UP Shri Ram Naik behalf of GHS-IMR.GUEST FACULTYIIM, LucknowMaulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (MANIT)Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur. (MNIT)VISITING FACULTYIIM Shillong |