BCA Department once again took the lead with faculties giving informative presentations covering specific areas, tools & technologies related to Emerging Trends & Technologies which have effect BCA.

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together highly anticipated presentation on Emerging Technologies in BCA. While updating the students on the future of BCA with of Python in Data Analytics & Data Science. At VIM/VCM we will have Certification Modules for Basic & Advance Python in this Course

As the world becomes increasingly connected, digitalization is a key differentiator that will enable companies to remain competitive. Using IIoT data from billions of intelligent devices generating massive volumes of data, digitalization promises lower costs, improved production quality, flexibility, efficiency, shorter response time to market demands, and also opens up new business opportunities

AI traditionally refers to an artificial creation of human like intelligence that can learn , reason, plan, perceive or process natural Language.
AI Connect – a Unique and Integrated Hardware-Software AI based Platform from STEMROBO gives a real life exposure to AI concepts with the help of “AI Box”. Using this curriculum students can understand the real use of Artificial Intelligence.

AI Platform makes it easy for machine learning developers, data scientists, and data engineers to take their ML projects from ideation to production and deployment, quickly and cost-effectively. From data engineering to “no lock-in” flexibility, AI Platform’s integrated tool chain helps you build and run your own machine learning applications.
More Emerging Technologies
1. 5G
The rise of 5G networking is increasing our ability to move, manipulate, and analyze data across wireless platforms, according to CompTIA. As 5G rolls out more fully in the coming years, it will drive the development of more complex apps to solve problems and increase growth across industries.
“The development and deployment of 5G is going to enable business impact at a level few technologies ever have, providing wireless at the speed and latency needed for complex solutions like driverless vehicles,” Michael Haines, community chair and director of partner incentive strategy and program design for Microsoft, said in the release. “Additionally, once fully deployed geographically, 5G will help emerging markets realize the same ‘speed of business’ as their mature counterparts. Solution providers that develop 5G-based solutions for specific industry applications will have profitable, early-mover advantages.”
2. Serverless computing
it allows organizations to create a NoOps IT environment that is automated and abstracted from underlying infrastructure, reducing operational costs and allowing businesses to invest in developing new capabilities that add more value, the report found.
Serverless computing was new on the list this year, along with robotics, replaced quantum computing, and automation, CompTIA noted.
3. Blockchain
More organizations are exploring and implementing blockchain to solve the increased need to secure and manage transactions across the internet.
“Blockchain came down crushing from its peak of hype cycle, and that’s probably for the best,” said Julia Moiseeva, a member of the community’s leadership group and founder of CLaaS (C-Level as a Service) Management Solutions Ltd, in the release. “Now that the luster of novelty and furor of the masses are gone, the dynamic of work around blockchain took a complete U-turn, again, for the best.”
4. Robotics
Robotics is automating routine processes by using machines to make businesses faster, less expensive, and more efficient, the report found.
5. Biometrics
Biometrics—including face, fingerprint, and retina scans—are becoming mainstream methods for verifying identity. These methods will form the secure foundation for solutions delivered by IT companies moving forward, CompTIA said.
6. 3D printing
3D Printing offers a solution for the low volume manufacturing of complex parts, as well as fast local production of difficult-to-find products, the report noted. As more affordable products become available, opportunities for this industry will continue to grow, it added.
7. Virtual reality (VR)/Augmented reality (AR)
Using VR/ARmixed reality, AI, and sensor technologies can help organizations improve operational efficiency and individual productivity, according to the report.
8. Drones
Drones enable robotic automation with fewer geographical restrictions, the report noted. Opportunities for development and integration are high for this market, it added